Weeknd - Out Of Time - Testi - TrovaCd

Weeknd - Out Of Time

Los Angeles, how the fuck y'all feelin' tonight
Look how beautiful you look
Look how gorgeous you look tonight
And you sound beautiful, too, 'cause I just heard you a few seconds ago
So, I need you to help me out on this next song, you hear me
Let’s go

[Verse 1]
The last few months, I've been workin' on me, baby
There's so much trauma in my life
I've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby
I look back now and I realize

And I remember when I held you
You begged me with your drowning eyes to stay
And I regret I didn't tell you
Now, I can't keep you from loving him
You made up your mind

Say I love you, girl, but I'm out of time
Say I'm there for you, but I'm out of time
Say that I'll care for you, but I'm out of time
Said I'm too late to make you mine, out of time

[Verse 2]
If he mess up just a little
Baby, you know my line
If you don't trust him a little
Then come right back, girl, come right back
Give me one chance, just a little
Baby, I'll treat you right
And I'll love you like I shoulda loved you all the time

And I, said, remember when I held you
You begged me with your drowning eyes to stay
And I regret I didn't tell you
Now, I can't keep you from loving him
You made up your mind

Say I love you, girl, but I'm out of time
Say I'm there for you, but I'm out of time
Say that I'll care for you, but I'm out of time
Said I'm too late to make you mine, out of time

Oh, singin' (Out of time)
Oh, Los Angeles, oh, you look so beautiful tonight, look at you, oh (Out of time)
Oh, say, baby, oh (Out of time)
Too late to make you mine, out of time
(Out of time)
(Out of time)

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(rsd 2024 - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
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